1. I need help with getting hardware as well
Our tech team is ready to help with sourcing the right hardware to suit your needs and budget. Contact us today!
2. Do I need to re-enter all my inventory items manually?
If you can provide our tech team with the items in a spreadsheet format, we will import the data for you to reduce the set up time.
3. What if I’m using the system and get stuck?
Our helpdesk is one call away to help you over the phone. If there is the need for it, we can send one of our tech team members to help you out as well!
4. When can we get started?
Sign up today for your FREE FOUR MONTH TRIAL. Special Offer ends July 31st 2018.
5. What are my support options?
Click “GET IN TOUCH” to have one of our associates reach out to you. For a limited time our representatives come to your location and help get you set up “FREE OF CHARGE!”. Special Offer ends June 31st 2018. Call out is for Trinidad businesses only at this time.
6. How do I install Connect Online?
- For the “Consultant” and “Business” packages there is no App needed. All of your Connect Online functionality will be accessed through a browser (Computer, Tablet or Phone).
- For “Retailer” packages you will need the additional FREE Point of Sale APP. Once you are signed up, get in touch and we will have our team install the Point of Sale APP for you!
7. How do I get in touch?
- Click the “Get in touch” button at the top right of the page
- Call us 868 – 299 – 4277